Logical Coders Explorers
This is an intermediate coding course for children to build up on their existing coding knowledge and explore. It covers programs like Microbit, Android Apps, Small Basic and more. It is suitable for the age group of 9+.
Microbit with Scratch
Scratch is a block-based visual programming language and micro:bit is a handheld, programmable micro-computer used for all sorts of cool creations.
Children will create advanced interactive stories, games, quizzes, animations, music, art and various other types of projects using Scratch. They will use micro:bit extension with Scratch to create complex and levelled games. Children will build creative projects that combine the magic of the digital and physical worlds. Connect the micro:bit to Scratch to transfer the codes to BBC micro:bit and execute the codes to see the project in action.
Advanced 3D Modelling
Children will work on advanced 3D designing and prototyping using 3D modelling. Understand the process of 3D printing.
Children will work on advanced 3D Modelling projects by drawing 3D objects and coding. They will understand 3D shapes and concepts, learn different tools available to modify 3D image, work with various functions to refine 3D image and create 3D projects. Learn what is a 3D Printer, how the 3D Printer works and see the 3D Printer in action. It helps children to think creatively, improved imagination by thinking in terms of 3D not just 2D objects.
Advanced Developing Android Apps
Using visual programming environment children will develop advanced apps for Android smartphones and tablets.
The course will give students hands-on experience in developing advanced Android applications. They will make levelled apps and games using by designing the components for the applications, programming concepts including loops and variables, computational concepts such as iteration and conditionals, simulating and debugging on the editor, live testing of applications on Android smartphones and tablets, packaging the apps to download and share with friends.
LEGO Mindstorms
LEGO Mindstorms is a hands-on solution that enhances children curiosity and skills in computing and science.
Children will work on different motors and sensors like motion sensor and tilt sensor. The course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills by investigating and modelling along with designing solutions for real life situations. Programming is an important part of twenty-first century learning, and it is an essential part of all Mindstorms projects. Children will create advance robots and enhance their computational thinking.
Small Basic
Microsoft Small Basic is the only programming language created specially to help students transition from block-based coding to text-based coding.
This course teaches the fundamental elements of syntax-based languages in an approachable manner. Small Basic gives students the skills and confidence to tackle more complex programming languages. Small Basic combines a friendly environment with a very simple language and a rich and engaging set of libraries to make your programs and games. In a matter of few lines of code, children will be able create their very own game.
WordPress Website
Introduction to the world of blogging and websites using the popular content management system WordPress platform.
Children will work on self-hosted website using WordPress dashboard, logging into WordPress, updating settings, choosing the theme, adding and managing pages and posts, edit, preview and delete posts, working with media library, uploading images and videos, working with the Gutenberg editor, inserting images, building and managing a menu, customise header and footer and publishing the website. It is a great way for children to showcase their creativity and ideas to the world.
$250 per term ($200 with Creative Kids Voucher)
Creative Kids Voucher Accepted
Our Locations
Classes are held in different locations.
Our current locations are Rosehill Public School, Glenwood Community Hub and Quakers Hill Centre. More locations coming soon.
Every Sunday School Term – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Glenwood Community Hub
72 Glenwood Park Dr, Glenwood, NSW 2768
Every Saturday School Term – 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Quakers Hill (From Residence)
Every Friday School Term – 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Rosehill Public School
Logical Coders Quakers Hill
Logical Coders Glenwood
Logical Coders Rosehill
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